About Us
Welcome to MyProScooter! We are a family run business, with a passion to review the best sports products around.
Whether it’s an awesome new kick scooter you’re looking for or a new pair of snowshoes – we’ve got you covered!
Who are we? My name is Jason, my wife Allison, and our lovely children Ed (14) and Emily (9) are an active family, with years of experience in the great outdoors as a family! We love having new products to review (especially the kids!).
We know the Internet is quite a daunting place at times, and it’s hard to know what product to buy – especially without seeing it. That’s where we step in… All of our reviews are written in a way to help you make a quick, and awesome decision. First, you will find out what you should be looking for in an ideal product, and what to consider. Next, come the top products! These have been hand-selected, and are the best of the best! How do we know? Well, we’ve gone through countless buyer reviews and have completed extensive research. As you may be able to tell, all the products we have on our list have fantastic customer ratings – they wouldn’t make it to our list otherwise!
When your kid asks you for a new pro scooter to buy for his or her birthday, how do you know which one to get? There are so many options, and some may be much better for your child than others. We help narrow down your choices by using different budgets, the current level of the rider (beginner, intermediate, and pro), and much more. Don’t fret – we’ve got you covered.
We’d love to hear from other parents or anyone who wants a sports product reviewed.
Best wishes for 2021.
The MPS Active Family
Jason, Allison, Ed & Emily