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There are many different snowboarding helmets out there; there are thousands all over the internet and hundreds of varieties in stores. This can make it quite tricky when it comes down to the decision of deciding what the best snowboarding helmet to buy is. One thing that is more than important is the fact that you should definitely be wearing one whenever you participate in a winter sport like snowboarding. This is because there can be so many risks involved and you really wouldn’t want to risk your head, as it is one of the most essential things in your body.
If this is your first time snowboarding, you may also be tempted just to rent a helmet, rather than spend more money buying one. However, there is a bit of a surprise with this one as people have found that renting one and buying one are actually quite a similar price (depending on where you go). There’s an important reason why it’s not recommended to rent a snowboarding helmet as well, which is the fact you don’t know how many accidents it may have been in. This means that it might not be able to protect you as much as you think it will. Therefore it’s better to stay safe and just purchase your own.
MIPS guide
In snowboarding and skiing helmets there is something called MIPS. This stands for Multi-Directional Impact Protection System and is used to actually help protect your head and neck. You will tend to find this between the inner of the helmet and your head. It is a type of technology that is, in fact, able to mimic your brain’s protective structure.
So when you’re snowboarding with your helmet on it will be able to reduce the rotational forces, which are caused by angled impacts. This means it actually puts less strain on your brain and protects it. You are more likely to damage your head and brain if you don’t have this, because of the high speed that you use when snowboarding and also because it is full of action.
This isn’t the only protective material in a snowboarding helmet though, as the outside shell of it has a shock-absorbing molding process. While other helmets may also have EPS foam that is bonded inside of them to stop it getting damaged when it gets knocked. In fact, skiing and snowboarding helmets are the safest that they have ever been.
How long to snowboarding helmets last?
This all depends on how well you treat the helmet and also whether it’s been involved in any serious or minor knocks. This is because as soon as there is a dent or even a dinge on the helmet it will make it automatically less effective, and it may not be able to protect your head as well. So it’s important that you always check for these.
If your helmet is in an excellent condition and doesn’t have any of the problems above, then it should be able to last you roughly three years. However, you may not have to replace your whole helmet if it doesn’t have any damage, but you should probably replace the lid of the helmet.
How to pack your snowboard helmet for travel
You should pack your helmet in a way that it wouldn’t get damaged when you’re either traveling overseas or by car. Therefore, it is actually best to pack it in your snowboarding bag along with your other gear, this is because your bag should have extra padding; therefore, it will be difficult for it to get damaged even when it has other luggage on top of it.
There is another way that you are also able to make sure it is protected to the highest standard, and this is by simply packing your mittens and even your socks inside of your helmet. This way it is able to protect the inner layer and prevent anything from accidentally getting inside and damaging it. Plus, if you’re traveling by air, some airlines may even allow you to carry your helmet onboard with you, but you will need to check their policies as each airline may differ.
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