Table of Contents
- What is a knee scooter?
- Why would you need a knee scooter?
- What is the rental process for acquiring a knee scooter?
- Does renting a knee scooter vs. buying a knee scooter make sense cost wise?
- Rent In-Store
- Renting your knee scooter From Wal-mart
- Renting your knee scooter from Walgreens
- Knee Scooter Rental Insurance Policies and Guidelines
- Conclusion
If you have ever suffered from an ankle or foot injury, you will understand the level of pain and discomfort that come with such a thing. The recovery time is often long and inconvenient, and mobility is restricted in a frustrating and debilitating way as a result of such an injury.
Many people are offered crutches or wheelchairs in order to facilitate their recovery, but there is another option available on the market that is much easier, much more convenient and provides a greater level of mobility. This product is the knee scooter for tough terrain, and below we will discuss some key features and product advantages.
What is a knee scooter?
A knee scooter is a platform of comfort. They are, in their simplest and basic form, a scooter with the addition of a rest or platform for your injured knee, foot or ankle. They are built for comfort and to aid in rehabilitation and independence after surgery or injury.
They are commonly used after surgery, after which a person’s recovery time can vary as can their needs. If it is a more serious surgery, bed rest may be required, or use of a wheelchair even. However, when mobility starts to come back, and movement is encouraged, people may find that crutches hinder them rather than enable them. This is where a knee scooter is different. They allow for a more free movement rehabilitation and assist the injured person on a faster, more efficient and empowering road to recovery.
They are generally designed and built in the same style as a standard scooter, sturdy wheels, handlebars, brakes and they perform in much the same function. However, the difference is that only one leg can be used to push the scooter along of course, as the injured leg or foot, ankle or knee will be out of action resting comfortably on an inbuilt pad rest.
The injured side of your foot knee or ankle rests comfortably on the step attached to the scooter, and you wheel along with the aid of the uninjured leg. There are handles of course for steering purposes and brakes for added safety and comfort. The wheels are sturdy and durable and firmly attached and built for purpose, so there is no need to worry about them being weak and unable to support your injury needs.
Knee scooters are adaptable and made in a variety of different shapes and sizes to accommodate a wide range of needs. They can support adult weights and heights as per their specification, and personal requirements and are often well reviewed, though not put forward as a first option.
Why would you need a knee scooter?
Well, the answer to this question is quite self-explanatory.
One thing to consider is that though crutches are in common practice, many people do not enjoy using them, nor do they find them easy to use. Perhaps you are afraid you will not be able to manage on crutches, which are large and require a lot of physical effort.
Often, recovery time is hindered when using crutches or a wheelchair because the leg is not always elevated, and there is still a need to have weight upon the injury. This is counterproductive to a satisfactory recovery and is one of the many advantages of using a knee scooter instead as a knee scooter elevates the injured area entirely meaning there will be no weight pressure, and it will be sufficiently elevated.
You may not want to be limited to a wheelchair either, which causes a whole different world of restrictions on your person and general capability to move around. Wheelchairs can often be very expensive alongside this, which many people can simply not afford as a result of missed work or as an unexpected expense on their personal living situations.
Perhaps you are used to the active lifestyle, and you want to maintain some level of normality, the knee scooter can undoubtedly assist you in this. You will be able to go about your daily chores while resting your injuries with the comfortable inbuilt pad while going about your daily business. It will enable you to feel more independent and regain that sense of self that some people lose and miss after debilitating surgery.
It can be a significant hit to the self-esteem going from being physically able to physically disabled and many people need time to readjust and mentally come to terms with what has happened. If the surgery was unplanned and out of their control, the mental trauma of such an incident can be long lasting and hard hitting. The knee scooter will help to maintain some level of normality in the future recovery of the victim.
What is the rental process for acquiring a knee scooter?
As with any product, there are a number of online places from which you can rent a knee scooter. There are also stores of course, but some people find the online option to be easier and more convenient. However, not everyone has access to the internet, and for them, the in-store option is the only option.
Sometimes, however, going online is the only option owing to limited mobility. If you have the ability to plan ahead, you can spend time researching and anticipating your needs thoroughly, but if your injury occurs in an accident, you may need a more rapid decision and product rental.
When it comes to online purchases, generally there are a few stages to be observed. The first and foremost is the actual choosing a product. This requires some time and effort in terms of selecting the right product for your needs. Your needs should be considered as follows:
- How severe is my injury?
- What is my recovery time?
- What are my physical requirements (weight/height)?
- Do I have any allergies?
- Do I have a preference of style?
After having decided the answers to the questions, you will be able to conduct a more thorough and personally tailored search. You can use product reviews to assist you in this decision, and if completely stuck, customer service should be available to contact.
After having selected your desired product, you may also want to conduct further research around the web to figure out whether or not better prices are available elsewhere. Price is always an essential factor, and though many will be congruent and in agreement across the different companies, there will be a slight fluctuation from time to time or different offers from different companies that can sometimes bring the price down.
The majority of companies now offer same day shipping guarantees after you have chosen your desired knee scooter to rent. This will give you extra peace of mind that your chosen selection will come rapidly and has been processed and dispatched the very day that you have chosen it.
With this in mind, delivery times do naturally vary from company to company, and though the product may be dispatched on the day of purchase and payment, it is highly unlikely that it will arrive that day as well. So if you can forward plan, then that is probably for the best.
However, do not hesitate to ring the customer service number provided by the company if you have questions, concerns or feel insecure about any part of your rental procedure as they are fully trained and can offer you guidance on any query.
The majority of companies offer flexibility regarding how long you would like to, or you need to rent your selected knee scooter for. They understand that knee scooters are often used to assist in surgery recover which for this part of the body can often take over a month. Therefore you need reassurance that you will be able to have the product for this length of time without restrictions.
Returning the scooter is generally as easy as receiving it. As long as you keep the box it came in, the process should generally be as simple as putting the knee scooter back in its original packaging and either ringing the company to arrange collection or following the simple instructions included to return the package yourself.
Does renting a knee scooter vs. buying a knee scooter make sense cost wise?
You may find yourself asking whether or not it makes more sense to rent a knee scooter or just to buy one. The primary consideration to focus on here is price, and when focusing on price, the answer to this question is yes; renting a knee scooter absolutely makes more sense cost wise.
The average purchase of a knee scooter is over $300. Realistically, you are not going to need a knee scooter for the rest of your life, and after you have used it to recover from your injury, unless you entirely fall in love with the product, there will be limited usage when recovery is complete.
With this in mind, buying a knee scooter seems wasteful when you can rent one for the duration of recovery for often half of the price. Prices are often as low as $25 for a whole week’s worth of renting, totaling $200 for a two month period, still a $100 less than purchasing permanently. Some companies do have a minimum rental period, which is worth researching in order to comply with your budget expectations fully.
However, if you are using a knee scooter for the purpose of daily assistance perhaps to avoid falls or further injury, then it may be useful making a decision to invest in a long-term purchase as renting becomes less cost-effective the longer it is required.
Rent In-Store
Alongside a wide variety of online retailers, some trusted brands also provide their customers with knee scooters to assist with their health care needs. Some people may feel more comfortable overall going to a trusted and reputable brand over one they have never heard of or used before.
Renting your knee scooter From Wal-mart
Wal-Mart is a well trusted, family brand that provides a large selection of products – anything you could ever possibly think of or need. Knee Scooters are indeed not excluded from this list and are readily available from Wal-Mart to rent and even buy. There a cheaper product range available in this discount store when it comes to permanent knee scooter purchases, however renting is also an option if you are looking for something cheaper and less permanent.
Key Features of Knee Scooters from Wal-Mart
Knee scooters from Wal-Mart offer a variety of functions covering all the regular basic needs you want out of a knee scooter product.
They are available in both adult and child sizes and the product reflects this in the specifications in terms of weight restrictions and height restrictions. Every product adheres to the strict safety regulations and guidelines and should be used with care and due consideration.
They provide comfort and even extra comfort with knee pad accessories and bespoke knee pad products to make the overall use of the product even more comfortable and feel that bit more luxurious. Alongside this are other accessories for scooter baskets, which may appeal to teenagers and children who may find themselves in need of a knee scooter.
There is a wide range of product choices, colors, prices and functions. There are knee scooters for children and adults. They also have a large variety of brands that may not be available elsewhere, or if they are may be available at a much higher price.
Renting your knee scooter from Walgreens
Much like Wal-Mart, Walgreens is also a trusted and renowned branch that sells a variety of products for a multitude of needs and preferences. Knee scooters are also included in their repertoire of goods and can be rented or purchased in store or online. Though the in-store rental process is easier and is not always available wholly online.
Key Features of Knee Scooters from Walgreens
Knee scooters from Wal-Mart offer a variety of functions covering all the regular basic needs you want out of a knee scooter product.
They are available in both adult and child sizes and the product reflects this in the specifications in terms of weight restrictions and height restrictions. Every product adheres to the strict safety regulations and guidelines and should be used with care and due consideration.
They provide comfort and even extra comfort with knee pad accessories and bespoke knee pad products to make the overall use of the product even more comfortable and feel that bit more luxurious. Alongside this are other accessories for scooter baskets, which may appeal to teenagers and children who may find themselves in need of a knee scooter.
There is a wide range of product choices, colors, prices and functions. There are knee scooters for children and adults. They also have a large variety of brands that may not be available elsewhere, or if they are may be available at a much higher price.
Knee Scooter Rental Insurance Policies and Guidelines
Often knee scooters and other mobility aids may be covered in your health care insurance policy, though this is not always the case and claims may take a while to process.
However, there are simple guidelines to follow when making a claim or investigating as to whether or not you are eligible as per your personal policy.
- Ring your insurance provider and get as much detail as possible when it comes to price and coverage of renting a knee walker.
- Make sure that you are armed with the facts when it comes to insurance jargon and knee walker rentals, do a bit of research to make sure you are not given the wrong information.
- Make sure that you find out exactly how much of the cost will be covered by insurance if that is a part of your policy. Only then can you plan efficiently for your changed budget needs.
- Keep all documentation with regards to your knee scooter rental, making sure that includes all bills receipts and invoices that have been passed between yourself and the company from which you chose to hire the knee scooter. This is important evidence to support your insurance claim and will be required when asking for reimbursement or financial support.
- A letter from your doctor will always be useful when it comes to supporting evidence for the necessity of renting and or purchasing a knee scooter to help you with mobility after surgery or injury. This type of document ticks a lot of boxes for insurance companies and will take you a long way in terms of how viable your claim may be.
- Your doctor may also be able to issue you with a medical prescription for a knee scooter, which you will be able to submit as further proof to your insurance company when making a claim for reimbursement or financial support.
As long as you make sure that you absolutely arm yourself with as much information as you can possibly gather, then there should be no room for disputes when it comes to claiming financial support from your medical insurance company. If you do not want to/ cannot support payments by yourself, then that is what medical insurance is for, and you can help yourself by following the above steps thoroughly and carefully.
Again, if possible in any way, forward planning and forward thinking will ensure that everything is in place as soon as possible for your recovery needs.
Pros of Renting a Knee Scooter
-Cheaper: It is often less expensive to rent a knee scooter for the majority of cases as to why people may need to use a knee scooter. The primary cause of needing a knee scooter is, of course, unexpected injury or recovery from surgery. In which case, renting a knee scooter is a much more viable short-term option, and you can return the product once completed in its use.
- More efficient for short-term injuries: Again, when it comes to short-term injuries, renting makes much sense than buying. The added security of being able to send a product back and having constant customer support should you need it is also great in the short term.
- Simple process: All the information you need is available online or by ringing up a customer service representative from the chosen business of rental. You do your research, select your products, and once selected the product will generally be sent out to you on that very same day. What could be easier than that? Also, returns are simple and cost-effective, and can often be arranged through the company themselves.
Cons of Renting a Knee Scooter
- Not a long-term solution: However, if you are in need of a knee scooter owing to a long-term injury or some other type of chronic condition that is affecting your overall health, and then rental may not be the best option for you. In this case, buying may be a better alternative, and this is entirely up to individual preference.
- Budget considerations: Some knee scooters, if needed in the long term, are worth investing in financially. However, if your personal insurance policy does not cover knee scooter rental in its fine detail, then this may not be the best option for you after all if there are other budget demands that you need to take into account first. Your health is essential, but it needs to fit in with your budget and what is affordable for you and your household.
There are many considerations when considering a knee scooter rental. Price is the main factor for many people, but comfort should be at the forefront of your mind as well as this is an assisting aid for your recovery after surgery or serious injury.
Recovery is the main focus, and simply through conducting a small amount of research, you will be able to find a knee scooter rental product that suits your needs for the long term or the short term.
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