When you first start out on your skating journey, you’re going to experience quite a few hiccups. The pros might make it look easy, but there’s definitely a learning curve. If you’re up for the challenging, skating provides more than enough excitement, health benefits, and unforgettable fun for a lifetime.

Next, to actually buying your gear, safety is the most important part of skating. The good news about safety equipment in the sport is that it all looks cool. Many years back, it might’ve been a little difficult to find a helmet that didn’t hurt your style, but these days it’s a different story. Plus, nothing looks cool about getting injured without the proper setup!

Here at MyProScooter, we did quite a bit of research to find out the best skating and skateboarding safety tips around. Some of them might seem a little obvious, while others came to us as a surprise. If you or a loved one are learning how to skate, check out our advice below!

Know Your Safety Gear

Helmet over Skateboard

Safety gear is the top priority in preventing unwanted harm while participating in any sport. Skating is no different, so we figured it should be number one on the list. Before you even place a foot on your skateboard or roller skates, you need to strap on your helmet and maybe a set of elbow and knee pads.

There are quite a few different types of skating helmets, all of which have the same intense: To keep your head safe! However, some of them are more breathable and lightweight, while others prevent scratches and damage to the helmet itself. Picking out the right helmet for your unique style of skating and experience will help you stay comfortable down the line.

Next up is the aforementioned elbow and knee pads. While these aren’t completely necessary, it’s not a bad idea to stay extra careful. Kids should absolutely wear these pads since they’re not as coordinated with balance and can be injured easier. Remember the old saying; It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

The last bit of safety gear is for those parents looking out for their children or individuals who aren’t completely comfortable skating yet. There are a few extra measures to take, including mouthguards, gloves, and wrist guards in case you fall over. Some skating gloves even come with hardened composite wrist protectors, saving you money overall.

Start Skating Slow and Familiarize Yourself

You couldn’t start dribbling a basketball and suddenly shoot hoops like Lebron, so don’t think that owning a skateboard or a pair of skates will get you into the X Games anytime soon. Start off by familiarizing yourself with the feeling of rolling forward and backward, leaning, turning, and so on before you try any tricks.

The best way to slowly progress into skating is to begin on a flat surface and try to stand still. It might sound strange but standing still is actually a challenge for some beginners who aren’t used to resting on wheels. It’s not a bad idea to have a friend or family member hold you in place until you get the hang of it.

Finally, look for a place with a slight decline such as a driveway or sidewalk to learn the ropes of rolling. Removing any and all obstacles will keep you safe, but don’t forget to wear all that safety gear from the first tip!

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

You can have all the safety gear and requirements down completely, but there’s no way to control what other people do. Keep an eye out for cars, pets, pedestrians, and other objects that might block or hinder your path.

If you’re skating at a skate park, always make sure that you look for other people’s skateboards from rolling in your way. You don’t want to slip or trip over their gear when you’re in the middle of a trick! The nice thing about being in a skate park is that there aren’t any basketballs or cars that can roll around dangerously. Nonetheless, always be aware of what’s going on around you to prevent harm to yourself or others.

Another small tip that goes with knowing your surroundings is to check out signs. There are tons of places where any kind of skating isn’t allowed. Whether or not you agree with them, try to respect the property and stay away from the unwanted trouble. The signs are there for a reason!

Practice Makes Perfect with Skating

Just like with anything new you’re trying to learn, practice makes perfect with skating. Not only is it nice to understand the ropes and how it all works but staying up with your practice sessions will keep you safe. Everything will eventually become a second hand, and that’s when you can finally take the training gloves off!

Ironically, you can learn quite a bit about skating safety by practicing on grass. It might seem a little weird at first since you’d never normally skate on grass, but you can learn to balance much easier. Not to mention that falling on grass is much more forgiving than falling on concrete or asphalt.

Staying safe while skating and skateboarding are much easier than you might think. Remember to always wear the right gear, start off slow and steady, be aware of your surroundings, and practice until you feel comfortable enough to roll without falling too often. Most importantly, have a good time and stay safe out there!

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How do you lace skate shoes?

Skateboarding is a fun activity. Those who like it can spend hours in the park to learn and master new tricks. When it comes to skateboarding, the fun part is often attached with risks.

These risks come in the form of falling down and injuries. Many of these falls and injuries are because of improperly or loosely tied shoe laces. In order to avoid lace brakes or getting them caught in the skate, the boarders need to properly tie down their laces.

Read Also: The Best Skate Shoes for Skateboarding & Scootering of 2020

This small write up is all about skateboards and laces.

How to tie skate shoes without a bow?

This method is a no brainer but many people even those into skateboarding are often found wanting. Tying a lace without a bow doesn’t only loos good and stylish but can also prevent many injuries. Also, once you have properly done it, you won’t have the need of tying laces (at least for a couple of weeks). Enough said, let’s learn how to tie skate shoes without a bow.

1.  When lacing up the shoe make sure that you have the lace inserted through the last loop going down.

2. Next bring both ends of the laces out and place them crossing each other at the toe of the shoe.

3. Place the right lace over the left one (or vice versa) and tie two single knots ideally at the toe of the shoe.

4. You can also adjust the length of the knot.

5. It’s time to tuck the tied laces under the tongue of the shoe and push it all the way down to the front of the show, making sure that they don’t get in way of your toe.

Here is what it will look like:

How to wear skate shoes?

This is tricky one. Skate shoes should ideally be put on without any socks. Socks are not bad look wise but when it comes to the sport, socks can be a dealbreaker. They can make a boarder highly unstable, which might result in injuries and more.

Secondly, you should never wear skate shoes with a worn out sole. These shoes indicate that they have lived their useful life and can no longer provide the stability and comfort. Shoes like these are prone to slippages.
You should also propety tie the shoelaces on your skate shoes. Either do it tightly or try tying the laces without the bow (as explained above).

Last but not the least, we also recommend our readers not to wear the skate shoes for skating when they are not fully dry.

Can you wear skate shoes casually?

You wash your face in a wash basin and take a bath standing under the shower. Now, you can also wash your face under the shower, no one is going to stop you and the end result would be same as well. Thing is as showers are not built for face washing – skate shoes are not built for casual dressings. They are special shoes designed for special purpose.

However, some skate shoes are so visually attractive that people want to wear them to casual gatherings. There is no harm in doing that but we won’t recommend it.

Whether to wear skate shoes casually or not will also depend upon the fact that how seriously and how often do you skate. If you are a pro, you would never want to do that – and you even don’t need our advice for that.

However, if you’re just a beginner who skate occasionally, you can wear your skate shoes casually.

How do you lace vans?

There is no alternative to vans – they are cool, trendy, comfortable footwear loved by skateboard fanatics and casual wearers alike. There are some vans which are pretty expensive as well, they are more like fashion symbols and usually celebrities wear them.

One of the best thing about vans is the fact that they can be laced up in so many different ways. We have identified top three of them and have included in this write up.

1 – The Criss-Cross

Criss-Cross are never out of fashion. They have been in the business for decades. Just place the lace at the tongue – should be in line with eyelets. Through these openings, bring the lace up. For the remaining eyelets, bring the lace up through them all the way to the top.

2 – Straight Bar

Place and insert the lace through the bottom eyelets. Now run the left end of the laces up throgh the eyelets on the same side. Then over the tongue and right down through opposite eyelet. Do the same on the right side as well. Continue doing that until the end of the laces come out from the top most eyelets. You can now tie the knot behind the tongue.


Other common methods include: The sawtooth, and over under.


No matter how you lace them up, they will always be looking stylish and trendy. Which method you chose depends primarily on your choosing and the comfort. We would suggest that you try all the known methods of tying lace vans and then keep on switching between the ones you like.


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